
Anastasia Petryaeva is a practicing watercolor artist, participant and winner of international exhibitions and competitions of watercolor art. She is the author of educational video courses on watercolor techniques, which are popular among watercolor lovers around the world and have been translated into several languages.

Born in 1992 in Russia. She graduated with honors from the Academy of Architecture and Art with a degree in industrial design. International cultural ambassador of the Canadian paint brand Rockwell Art.

Original works are presented in private collections in Russia, Canada, USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, China, Australia, etc.

The main genre is landscape, landscape-state, with an emphasis on the positive emotions that contemplation of nature evokes.

Artist statement

In my watercolor landscapes, I strive to capture images of nature that evoke bright positive emotions that appear at the culminating moments of its contemplation. I romanticize those moments when a person feels happy simply because he sees the incredible breathtaking color of turquoise water, when he experiences childlike delight when entering clear water and looking at the iridescent stones under the water. I think that the ability to admire nature is part of human nature.

I am trying to understand the scale of man in the context of the World and feel the continuity of many generations who admired and will admire after us similar phenomena, such as the sky, the play of light in the clouds, sea waves and the transparency of water. This connection serves as an anchor that brings us back to ourselves, to our true essence, because life on the planet originated in water.

My goal is to help a person slow down, contemplating natural images, to feel a sublime harmonious state, which is so lacking in the bustle and stress of big cities. I view watercolor as a kind of meditation for both the artist and the viewer and explore the positive impact that water images have on a person.

In my works I use the expressive capabilities of modern watercolor techniques to create realistic images of nature. I pay special attention to the study of physical and optical laws in the depiction of water transparency, reflections, refractions, effects.

Exhibitions and competitions

Selected exhibitions and publications

• 2019 Personal exhibition “With gratitude in my heart” Russia, Novouralsk

• 2020 Exhibition “Watercolor Spring”, Russia, Izmailovo Kremlin

• 2020 International Watercolor Art Fair (IWAF) in Taipei

• 2020 International exhibitions "Dance with Colors", "Dreams come true", Moscow, IWS SARE Gallery

• 2021 work was awarded at the International Competition Exhibition in France Pyrenees Watercolor Contest

• 2021 participation in the 1st Datong International art tour exhibition as an invited artist

• 2021 participation and publication in the catalog in the international competition in Slovenia Castra 2021

• 2022 Personal exhibition “Symphony of Color” Russia, Novouralsk

• 2020-2022 Online exhibitions ow JIWI International Watercolor Institute, Japan

Regular participantas an invited artist in international online exhibitions

2020 Finalist of the first international watercolor art competition in Poland "Step by step" +publication in the catalog

• 2021 1st and 2nd place in the “Landscape” category and 2nd place in the “Wildlife” category in the XI international watercolor art competition “Aquarelium”

• 2022 3rd place in the 1st international competition of Rockwell

• 2022 3rd place in an international exhibition competition in Australia

• 2022 Publication in the French magazine Pracique des Arts

• From 2022 international cultural ambassador of RockWell

• 2023 Merit Award at the HelwetArt competition

• 2023 Publication in the magazine ART-AGENT #6’2023

Publication in Pracique des Arts

In 2022, the popular French magazine Pracique des Arts published an interview article about me, in which I tried to talk about what inspires me and my creative approach.

Feel nature through watercolor

I perceive watercolor as a kind of meditation for both the artist and the viewer. And I study the positive influence that images of water have on a person.

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